Friday, May 2, 2008

New Beginnings

Although graduation is a week away, I think it's safe to say that The Daily Mississippian is now under new management.

Despite the fact that the incoming editorial staff has been working diligently over the past two weeks to settle into our new positions, the paper won't "officially" roll into our hands until May 27, 2008.

As Campus News Editor for the summer, I am truly experiencing a myriad of emotions. Considering I only began writing for The DM as a staff reporter four months ago, acquiring this position is both exciting and a bit overwhelming.

Let's face it; the University of Mississippi is approaching one of the most exciting years in its history. Being an Ole Miss student in the 2008-09 school year will be an amazing privilege.

Because of this, it is my personal goal to provide relevant news that accurately reflects the concerns and interests of every Ole Miss student and faculty member.

I want to know what the Ole Miss community cares about. I want to provide an outlet to explore and possibly resolve issues that truly matter to Ole Miss students and faculty members.

However, I am only one woman and there is no way I can possibly know about everything happening around here. The staff of The Daily Mississippian is here to serve YOU. So, I encourage everyone to share your ideas for what you would like to see in the campus news section in the upcoming months by sending me an email at

With that said, I wish everyone the best of luck during Finals Week. For those of you remaining in the Ole Miss community during the summer, keep an eye out for some pretty incredible changes to The DM and

For those returning in the fall, have a terrific summer. We'll be here when you get back.

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